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China Service Desk

A typical ‘China Desk’ emphasizes deep professional expertise and quality. At DCC we focus more on workable business solutions. Our China Service Desk is a platform that provides effective long term business execution. And it’s done with professional know-how and responsibility. 

DCC-Gründer, Dr. Hans Au, ist seit 2002 in verschiedenen Führungspositionen in China als Unternehmer, Managementexperte, Rechtsanwalt und Investor tätig. Zusammen mit seinem chinesisch-internationalen Team aus Managern, Rechtsanwälten, Finanzmanagern, Wirtschaftsprüfern, Steuerberatern, Beschaffungs- und Digitalisierungsexperten, verbindet DCC die Präzision und Qualität einer fachlichen Beratung mit der pragmatischen Problemlösung eines China-Managers.


Alle Führungskräfte von DCC verfügen über langjährige Berufs- und Managementerfahrung. Der Gründer Dr. Hans Au war als Rechtsanwalt bei der internationalen Anwaltskanzlei Lovells (jetzt Hogan Lovells) tätig und gründete 2007 iF Juice, einen Premium-Frischsafthersteller mit Vertrieb in den Regionen Nord- und Ostchina, welches er bis 2016 hauptberuflich leitete. Derzeit ist Dr. Hans Au auch als Investor und Berater in mehreren Start-ups tätig.


Gary Zheng, Of Counsel bei DCC, verfügt über umfangreiche Praxiserfahrung im chinesischen Wirtschaftsrecht, insbesondere bei ausländischen Direktinvestitionen, M&A und internationalem Handel. Professor Jiao, DCCs Berater für Fertigung, war in Führungspositionen in chinesischen Produktionsunternehmen tätig, u.a. in den Bereichen Lebensmittel, Stahlprodukte, Werkzeugmaschinen- und Rohstoffe.


Auf zwei Kontinenten, in drei Sprachen und in mehr als zehn Branchen unterwegs. Mit interkultureller Sensibilität und Intelligenz.

- Dr. Hans Au, CEO


Why insource a DCC executive, or an entire team?


To get up and running

Dealing with lawyers, accountants, real estate agents, head hunters, etc., can be expensive and overwhelming. They seldomly provide answers to the big picture questions. But you still need expert financial, legal and other critical management advice early on, at acceptable cost and coherent with your overall direction.


DCC Solution: early on get an experienced China business leader that speaks and thinks like you and who can manage “at least 70%” of all critical functions. 


The right expertise and commitment

There simply aren’t enough good law firms, accounting firms, financial and strategy consulting firms in China. Lack of entrepreneurial thinking and insufficient ‘talking time’ can be issues with such specialists. An experienced China general manager can cost more than EUR 300,000 per year but may lack knowledge in legal, accounting, tax, digital business or other specialist areas.


DCC’s hybrid solution: a single platform with seasoned China managers and expert consultants. You just focus on your core competences.


To get the right people

You lack suitable people in your own organization to second to China. You might hesitate about local hiring in the early phase of your project or when you must manage turn-around. Beyond language barriers any China project still needs to bridge culture.


A clear understanding of a company’s culture or DNA is critical for anything from hiring decisions to financial discipline: the people at DCC include top executives, professional specialists, entrepreneurs and advisors. We served more than 100 ‘Mittelstand’ companies in China in 20 years. 

How it works

We assess your situation and design with you a business solution.


Where DCC can deliver such solution better than traditional service providers or you doing it on your own, we will package for you a team of DCC managers with specific assignments. That would be your customized China Service Desk. Fees and deliverables would be based on a minimum 2 year term


DCC managers are trained consultants but act as your trusted manager that gets the job done.

Interested? Lets talk

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Suite 401-033, 4/F, Tower A, Vantone Center, No. 6 Chaowai Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, China

Unit 1113, 11/F., Peninsula Centre, No. 67 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon Hong Kong


+852 – 29979870


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