How can we get you up and running in China?
How can we get you up and running in China?


Hans Au, Founder | Phone: 123-456-7890
DCC founder Dr. iur. Hans Au managed the production and the finance departments of the consumer goods business iF Foods, which he also founded, from 2007 to 2016. iF Foods is a premium producer for fresh juices and has industrial production in North and Eastern China. Before that, he was an active lawyer for a British-international law firm in Beijing. Dr. Hans Au was also active as an interim CFO, as a general manager, legal representative and as an experienced negotiator in China several times. His experience in business fields range from software, medical techonology, foods, tech-start-ups, capital investment, fitted kitchens, mechanical engineering, consumer goods, and construction materials.
He speaks German, English and Mandarin Chinese on expert level.
PhD in Chinese law: Freiburg, Germany, 2002
Credited lawyer since 2002, Hamburg, Germany

Jorg-Peter Theissen | Phone: 123-456-7890
The Head of Sourcing Jörg-Peter Theissen was active in leading management roles for supply chain management and procurement for Opel, General Motors, consumer goods and E-commerce businesses in China, Germany, UK and the US for over 20 years. He has successfully founded companies in the areas of global procurement and online business.
He has graduated in business studies and engineering and is primarily active in the US and Germany.
He speaks English and German on expert level.

Jorg-Peter Theissen | Phone: 123-456-7890
The Head of Sourcing Jörg-Peter Theissen was active in leading management roles for supply chain management and procurement for Opel, General Motors, consumer goods and E-commerce businesses in China, Germany, UK and the US for over 20 years. He has successfully founded companies in the areas of global procurement and online business.
He has graduated in business studies and engineering and is primarily active in the US and Germany.
He speaks English and German on expert level.

Hans Au, Founder | Phone: 123-456-7890
DCC founder Dr. iur. Hans Au managed the production and the finance departments of the consumer goods business iF Foods, which he also founded, from 2007 to 2016. iF Foods is a premium producer for fresh juices and has industrial production in North and Eastern China. Before that, he was an active lawyer for a British-international law firm in Beijing. Dr. Hans Au was also active as an interim CFO, as a general manager, legal representative and as an experienced negotiator in China several times. His experience in business fields range from software, medical techonology, foods, tech-start-ups, capital investment, fitted kitchens, mechanical engineering, consumer goods, and construction materials.
He speaks German, English and Mandarin Chinese on expert level.
PhD in Chinese law: Freiburg, Germany, 2002
Credited lawyer since 2002, Hamburg, Germany
What problems do our clients face?

Jorg-Peter Theissen | Phone: 123-456-7890
The Head of Sourcing Jörg-Peter Theissen was active in leading management roles for supply chain management and procurement for Opel, General Motors, consumer goods and E-commerce businesses in China, Germany, UK and the US for over 20 years. He has successfully founded companies in the areas of global procurement and online business.
He has graduated in business studies and engineering and is primarily active in the US and Germany.
He speaks English and German on expert level.

Jorg-Peter Theissen | Phone: 123-456-7890
The Head of Sourcing Jörg-Peter Theissen was active in leading management roles for supply chain management and procurement for Opel, General Motors, consumer goods and E-commerce businesses in China, Germany, UK and the US for over 20 years. He has successfully founded companies in the areas of global procurement and online business.
He has graduated in business studies and engineering and is primarily active in the US and Germany.
He speaks English and German on expert level.

Our Services
If you are from abroad looking for the way to kick off your business in China or if you are from China wondering about how we can help your business flourish overseas, there is virtually no issue that our team has not tackled before.
Please select from our main areas of expertise, which one is most closely aligned with your business problem. However, we are not limited to these and are more than happy to find customised solutions for you.

Viele internationale Händler und Mittelsmänner kommunizieren aus der Ferne mit ihren chinesischen Lieferanten. Oft werden englische Webseiten oder Emails von Fabriken als ausreichend vertrauenswürdig angesehen. Es werden dann Muster ausgetauscht und nach Genehmigung des finalen Produktionsmusters wird der Auftrag vergeben. Wenn die erste Charge verschiffungsbereit ist, wird ein Inspektionsdienst zur Qualitätskontrolle losgeschickt. Welche typischen Probleme könnten diesen Idealablauf in China stören? Zum einen könnte der Auftragnehmer nur Mittelsmann sein und bei Problemen gibt es keine vertragliche Handhabe gegen die produzierende Fabrik. Zum anderen könnte der Auftragnehmer, ohne Absprache, Subunternehmer – oft mehrere, oder ständig wechselnde – verwenden, oder abgesprochene Abläufe ständig ändern. Hier sollten Sie bereits alarmiert sein. Schließlich gibt es alle Formen von Betrug mit schlechter oder falscher Ware, bis hin zu Fällen, wo der Produktionsauftrag nur ein Scheinmanöver ist und Know-How oder IP entwendet werden soll.

Unsere Vorgehens
Know-Your-Supplier Prozesse (Auditierung, Hintergrund-Checks)
Qualitätskontrolle: Inspektion verschiffungsfertiger Ware, QA in der Fertigung
Import- und Exportmanagement: Dokumente, Zeritifzierungen, Zahlungsmodalitäten, SinoSure Thematik
Produktentwicklung: Koordinierung oder Anleitung des Lieferanten (Textilien, Möbel, Konsumgüter, Komponenten usw.)
Lieferung von Konsumgütern an die EU, Nordamerika